E-Commerce Strategies in Business Practice
The lecture "E-Commerce Strategies in Business Practice" in the Master's program (PO: E-Commerce I, course ID: 10512000) provides a comprehensive insight into the world of e-commerce and teaches practical strategies for companies.
E-Commerce is a highly relevant field for almost all types of companies. However, the e-commerce approaches and strategies applied by companies differ strongly depending on the respective firm context (e.g., in terms of industry, types of customers, types of products).
In this lecture, students will learn about different e-commerce strategies and approaches and then directly apply them to a self-selected firm from the Wuerzburg / Mainfranken area (one firm per group). Thus, this lecture combines a theoretical and self-study part with an application of the content directly to real life.
The lecture part contains the following topics:
- Basics of e-commerce strategy development
- Webshop design and infrastructure
- Multi-channel and customer experience management
- Affiliate marketing and web analytics
- Online reviews and CRM systems
- Artificial intelligence in e-commerce
The lecture is a block lecture, where you will directly apply the course topics in self-study sessions (in groups).
The tutorials with the course advisor will guide you through the process of developing the e-commerce strategy for your selected firm.
Goals: This class enables students to gain insights into real-life e-commerce strategies and to train their abilities in assessing business strategies.
Prerequisites: The course is designed for master degree students interested in digital marketing and e-commerce. Prior participation of the course “Digital Marketing I” is recommended but not required. An application to the course is mandatory (application details see below, course is limited to 16 participants).
Credits: 5 ECTS
Examination form: Seminar paper in group work (ca. 15 pages/person) + optional bonus (weekly presentation)
Course instructor: Prof. Dr. Jana-Kristin Prigge
Course advisor: Steven Schwehm (steven.schwehm@uni-wuerzburg.de)
Key information:
- Start date / Kick-Off: Friday, April 25th 2025, content lecture: 08:00 - 12:00 (including one hour of self study), online via Zoom
- Further dates: Fridays, May 2nd, May 9rd , May 16th , May 23th 2025, 08:00 -12:00, online via Zoom
- Tutorials: Flexible meetings with course advisor (in groups via Zoom)
- Submission of report: Friday, July 4th 2025
Application procedure
Submission of application:
- Please download the enclosed excel file first, then fill out this file and send it to: steven.schwehm@uni-wuerzburg.de
- Please make sure to fill out every cell in the excel file
- The application process is completed when the filled excel file has been returned to Steven Schwehm
- Please send your application no later than April 7th 2025 (for SoSe 25)
- Excel-File: Application Ecommerce Strategies
Acceptance notification: During the week of April 7th to April 11th
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