This course is only offered in the winter term and will not take place in the summer term.
The registration for the seminar is organized via the central "Seminar und Thesenvergabe" by the Office of the Dean of Studies (Studiendekanat).
Dates Winter Term
For the dates (and updates & changes) check our WueCampus course room. You can easily find the WueCampus course room by searching for the course on either WueCampus or WueStudy.
5 CPs
Course Material
Available in the WueCampus course room. You can easily find the WueCampus course room by either searching for the course on WueCampus or WueStudy.
This seminar will offer a deep dive into the critical domain of supply chain management, emphasizing the role of data analysis and decision-making tools. The course will revolve around essential topics such as forecasting, optimization, inventory management, and logistics. Leveraging real-world scenarios and practical applications, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of supply chain dynamics and the vital role of analytics in supply chain management.
Students will tackle real-world supply chain problems that involve interpreting complex data sets. They will be equipped with problem-solving skills that allow them to develop and implement robust solutions for various supply chain challenges. With a focus on practical problem-solving activities, this course will enable students to:
- Understand the key concepts and techniques of supply chain analytics.
- Implement forecasting and optimization models to make supply chain decisions.
- Evaluate and improve supply chain performance using relevant data.
By the end of this seminar, students will have acquired a valuable toolkit of analytical skills that can be readily applied in various supply chain contexts.
Nikolai Stein (
This course is only offered in the summer term and will not take place in the winter term.
The registration for the seminar is organized via the central "Seminar und Thesenvergabe" by the Office of the Dean of Studies (Studiendekanat).
Dates Summer Term
For the dates (and updates & changes) check our WueCampus course room. You can easily find the WueCampus course room by searching for the course on either WueCampus or WueStudy.
5 CPs
Note: The seminar papers can be written in either German or English.
Digitalization is revolutionizing how companies design, plan, and monitor their supply chains in various ways. The use of modern technologies and digital solutions is giving rise to new supply chain concepts and business models on the one hand; on the other, companies can achieve efficiency gains, cost savings, and improved customer satisfaction through their use.
In this seminar offered every summer semester, selected developments in digital supply chain management are analyzed and discussed from a business perspective. Here we focus on the economic evaluation of new approaches and their effects rather than on the development and application of new processes (the latter is the subject of the complementary seminar "Supply Chain Analytics", which is offered in the winter semester).
The seminar has a main topic each semester. Next summer semester, the main topic will be "eCommerce Supply Chains". The focus will be on new business models and concepts for fulfilling online orders.
More information and potential topics can be found here.
This seminar is required for all students who would like to write their thesis or seminar paper at our chair.
Please register with your first and last name, your matriculation number and the seminar name "Seminar: Scientific Writing" via e-mail to our office (
Next Dates
Friday, 14.03.2025 - 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. - via Zoom
- LaTeX
The Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods offers supervision of internships for Bachelor students. Internships lasting for three weeks can be completed with 5 ECTS points without being graded. Six week (minimum) internships yield 10 ECTS points, whereby the following areas contribute to the final grade: internship report (50%), presentation (25%) and employer’s letter of reference (25%).
Admission Requirements
- The internship must be related to Logistics, Purchasing, or Supply Chain Management
- There is a person of contact, who accompanies the internship from the corporate side
- The company must provide a contract or written confirmation of the internship
In order to apply, please send all of the following information/documents (PDF files, if possible) per e-mail to our office (
- Internship contract or a written confirmation from company
- Short description of activities (if known, max. 5 lines)
- Name of company, department, and length of internship
- Your name, your e-mail address, and your matriculation number
- Your transcript of grades from wuestudy
Internship Report
- The formal requirements of the internship will be stipulated in the compulsory seminar: Scientific Work. The next date can be found on our website under "Student News".
- Length:
- approximately 10 pages
- Structure:
- Present company and department (max 1 page)
- Describe work activities / project (max 2 pages)
- Depict and discuss work results
- Put work activites and results in the relevant scientific context
- Critically reflect on internship
- The internship report is not a chronological work report (as in vocational training programs). Therefore, relevant theories and academic literature should be integrated. The application and transfer of theories to practical situations is an important factor in the report’s evaluation.
Internship report submission: to be announced (as pdf to
Presentation of internship report: to be announced