Norman Pytel

Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung
- ERP-Systeme, SAP (Logistik Module: MM/PP/SD/WM/eWM/TMS),
- Information Systems Integration
- Blockchain-Enterprise Integration
- Design of decentralized Information Systems
- Human Integration
- Traceability in Supply Chains
- Process Mining
- Pytel, N., Hofmann, A. & Winkelmann, A., 2020. Tracing Back the Value Stream with Colored Coins. In Forty-First International Conference on Information Systems. AIS
- Pytel, N., Putz, B., Böhm, F., & Winkelmann, A. 2022. Digging for Quality Management in Production Systems: A Solution Space for Blockchain Collaborations. In Forty-Third International Conference on Information Systems. AIS
Pytel, N., Zeiß, C. & Winkelmann, A., 2023. Enabling UTXO-based backwards and forwards traceability. In Thirty-First European Conference on Information Systems. AIS