Prof. Toker Doganoglu, Ph.D.

Zimmer 495
Tel.: +49 (0)931 31 86822
E-Mail: toker.doganoglu
Sprechstunde: Dienstag 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr (nach Vereinbarung)
Donnerstag 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr (nach Vereinbarung)
- Mikroökonomik 2 (Bachelor)
- Games and Strategies (Strategie und Wettbewerb 1) (Bachelor)
- Introduction to Industrial Organization (Bachelor)
- Business Strategy for Information and Network Industries (Bachelor)
- Strategic Decisions and Comptition (Master)
- European Competition Policy (Master)
- Market Research and Demand Analysis (Master)
- “Upstream Competition with Complex and Unobservable Contracts,” with Izak Atiyas and Firat Inceoglu, forthcoming, Review of Industrial Organization.
- “Licensing with Free Entry,” with Firat Inceoglu and Johannes Muthers, forthcoming, Economics of Innovation and New Technology.
- “Buyback Contracts to Solve Upstream Opportunism,” with Firat Inceoglu, forthcoming, European Journal of Operational Research.
- “Should I stay or should I go (out): The role of trust and norms in disease prevention during pandemics,” with Emre Ozdenoren, Covid Economics, Issue 16, May 2020.
- “Arbeitsmärkte in der Fusionkontrolle,” (Labor Markets in Merger Control), with Florian Bien, Editorial, Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht, 185-186, April, 2019.
- "Product Bans May Benefit Consumers: Implications from a New Model Of Vertical Product Differentiation," with Firat Inceoglu, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 15(2), 155-180, 2015.
- "Licensing of a Drastic Innovation with Product Differentiation," with Firat Inceoglu, The Manchester School, 82/3, 296-321, 2014.
- “Dynamic Duopoly Competition with Network Effects and Switching Costs,” with Lukasz Grzybowski, Review of Network Economics, 12(1), 1-25, 2013.
- “Switching Costs, Experience Goods and Dynamic Price Competition,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 8(2), 167-205, 2010.
Winner of Dick Wittink Prize 2011 for the best paper published in QME 2010.
- “Exclusive Dealing with Network Effects,” with Julian Wright, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28(2), 145-154, 2010.
- “Generalized Access Payment Mechanisms,” with Izak Atiyas and Martin Reichhuber, in: Telecommunication Markets: Drivers and Impediments , B. Preissl, P. Curwen and J. Haucap eds., 2009, Springer.
- “Introduction: Symposium on Standards and Network Effects,” Homo Oeconomicus, 23 (3/4), (2006/2007). Guest Editor.
- “Portfolio Optimization when Risk Factors are Conditionally Varying and Heavy Tailed,” with Christoph Hartz and Stefan Mittnik, Computational Economics, 29(3-4), 333-354, 2007.
- “Estimating Network Effects in Mobile Telephony in Germany,” with Lukasz Grzybowski, Information Economics and Policy, 19(1), 65-79, 2007.
- “Goodwill and Dynamic Advertising Strategies,” with Daniel Klapper, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 4(1), 5-29, 2006.
- “Product Variety and Competitive Pricing in Consumer Goods Markets,” with Daniel Klapper, Marketing- Journal of Research and Management, 2(1), 5-13,2006.
- “Multihoming and Compatibility,” with Julian Wright, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24(1), 45-67, 2006.
- “Dynamic Competition with Consumption Externalities,” Netnomics, 5(1), 16-35, 2003.
- “Portfolio Selection in the Presence of Heavy-tailed Asset Returns,” with S. Mittnik and Svetlozar Rachev, in: Contributions to Modern Econometrics, From Data Analysis to Economic Policy, Stefan Mittnik and Ingo Klein eds., 2003.
- “Network Competition and Access Charge Rules,” with Yair Tauman, The Manchester School, 70(1), 16-35, 2002.
- “Computing the Probability Density Function of the Stable Paretian Distribution,” with Stefan Mittnik and David Chenyao, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 29(10-12), 235-240, 1999.
- “Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stable Paretian Distribution,” with Stefan Mittnik, Svetlozar T. Rachev, and David Chenyao, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 29(10-12), 275-293, 1999.
- “An Approximation Procedure for Asymmetric Stable Paretian Densities,” with Stefan Mittnik, Computational Statistics, 13, 463-475, 1998.