
Prof. Toker Doganoglu, Ph.D.
Interests: Empirical and Theoretical Industrial Organization ,Economics of Information and Network Industries ,Competition and Regulatory Policy ,Quantitative Marketing ,Game Theory ,Econometrics ,Empirical Finance
- "Product Bans May Benefit Consumers: Implications from a New Model Of Vertical Product Differentiation," with Firat Inceoglu, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade
- "Licensing of a Drastic Innovation with Product Differentiation," with Firat Inceoglu, The Manchester School, 82/3, 296-321, 2014.
- “Dynamic Duopoly Competition with Network Effects and Switching Costs,” with Lukasz Grzybowski, Review of Network Economics, 12(1), 1-25, 2013.
- “Switching Costs, Experience Goods and Dynamic Price Competition,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 8(2), 167-205, 2010.
Winner of Dick Wittink Prize 2011 for the best paper published in QME 2010.
- “Exclusive Dealing with Network Effects,” with Julian Wright, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28(2), 145-154, 2010.
- “Generalized Access Payment Mechanisms,” with Izak Atiyas and Martin Reichhuber, in: Telecommunication Markets: Drivers and Impediments , B. Preissl, P. Curwen and J. Haucap eds., 2009, Springer.
- “Introduction: Symposium on Standards and Network Effects,” Homo Oeconomicus, 23 (3/4), (2006/2007). Guest Editor.
- “Portfolio Optimization when Risk Factors are Conditionally Varying and Heavy Tailed,” with Christoph Hartz and Stefan Mittnik, Computational Economics, 29(3-4), 333-354, 2007.
- “Estimating Network Effects in Mobile Telephony in Germany,” with Lukasz Grzybowski, Information Economics and Policy, 19(1), 65-79, 2007.
- “Goodwill and Dynamic Advertising Strategies,” with Daniel Klapper, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 4(1), 5-29, 2006.
- “Product Variety and Competitive Pricing in Consumer Goods Markets,” with Daniel Klapper, Marketing- Journal of Research and Management, 2(1), 5-13,2006.
- “Multihoming and Compatibility,” with Julian Wright, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24(1), 45-67, 2006.
- “Dynamic Competition with Consumption Externalities,” Netnomics, 5(1), 16-35, 2003.
- “Portfolio Selection in the Presence of Heavy-tailed Asset Returns,” with S. Mittnik and Svetlozar Rachev, in: Contributions to Modern Econometrics, From Data Analysis to Economic Policy, Stefan Mittnik and Ingo Klein eds., 2003.
- “Network Competition and Access Charge Rules,” with Yair Tauman, The Manchester School, 70(1), 16-35, 2002.
- “Computing the Probability Density Function of the Stable Paretian Distribution,” with Stefan Mittnik and David Chenyao, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 29(10-12), 235-240, 1999.
- “Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stable Paretian Distribution,” with Stefan Mittnik, Svetlozar T. Rachev, and David Chenyao, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 29(10-12), 275-293, 1999.
- “An Approximation Procedure for Asymmetric Stable Paretian Densities,” with Stefan Mittnik, Computational Statistics, 13, 463-475, 1998.
Firat Inceoglu, Ph.D.

Interests: Empirical and Theoretical Industrial Organization , Microeconometrics , Economics of Information and Network Industries , Competition and Regulatory Policy
- Licensing of a Drastic Innovation with Product Differentiation, with Toker Doganoglu, The Manchester School, 82/3, 296-321, 2014.
- Diffusion of a new product under network effects : the US DVD market, with Minsoo Park, Applied Economics, 43, 4803-4815, 2011.
- Product Bans May Benefit Consumers: Implications from a New Model Of Vertical Product Differentiation, with Toker Doganoglu, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 15/2, 155-180, 2015.
- Copyright Protection and Entry Deterrence, Information Economics and Policy, 32, 38-45, 2015.
- Licensing with Free Entry, with Toker Doganoglu and Johannes Muthers, submitted.
- Upstream Competition and Complexity of Contracts, with Izak Atiyas and Toker Doganoglu, submitted.
Prof. Norbert Schulz, Ph.D.

- On the Global Uniqueness of Fix-Price-Equilibria; Econometrica, Vol. 51, #1, Jan. 1983
- The Complete Breakdown of Gross Substitutability, Economic Letters, 12, 1983
- Distributional Equity and Two-Part Tariffs; (mit W. Eckart), Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, 141, 2, June 1985
- Oligopolistic Industry Location and Local Labor Markets; (mit K. Stahl), Revue Economique, 36, 1, 1985
- Zur Wirkung des zweiten Wohnraumkündigungsschutzgesetzes: Eine kontrakttheoretische Analyse; (mit W. Eckart und K. Stahl) in Neumann, M. (ed): Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Neue Folge, 140, 1984
- Existence of Equilibria Based on Continuity and Boundary Behavior, Economics Letters, 19, 1985
- Non-Existence of Equilibria in Differentiated Product Oligopolies with Asymmetric Costs; (mit K. Stahl), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 15, 2, 1985
- Competition of Newspapers and the Location of Political Parties; (mit J. Weimann), Public Choice, vol. 63, 1989
- Good and Bad Competition in Spatial Markets for Search Goods: The Case of Linear Utility Functions; (mit K. Stahl), Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, #15/16, 1989
- Special Offers and Clustering Under Symmetric Monopoly, Journal of Economics vol. 56, 1992
- On the Supply of Information by Broadcast Media; (mit J. Weimann), European Journal of Political Economy, vol 9, 1993
- Zum Zusammenhang von Finanzierungsbeschränkungen und Eintrittsabschreckung, ifo Studien, 41, 1, 1995, pp. 171-186
- Are Markets More Competitive if Commodities are Closer Substitutes? International Economic Review, 36, pp. 963-983, 1995
- Do consumers search for the highest price? Oligopoly equilibrium and monopoly optimum in differentiated products markets, (mit K. Stahl) Rand Journal of Economics, 27, 4, 1996
- Zur Analyse von Gründungen und Schließungen auf Grundlage der Beschäftigtenstatistik, (mit L. Bellmann und D. Harhoff), ifo Studien, 44, 3, 1999 pp. 435-447
- Comment on Yin, Xiangkang and Yew-Kwang Ng: Quantity Precommitment and Bertrand Competition Yield Cournot Outcomes: a Case with Differentiated Products, Australian Economic Papers, 39, 1, March 2000, pp. 108-112
- Fragmentation in Property: Towards a General Model (mit F. Parisi und B.Depoorter) Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, vol. 158, 4, 2002, pp. 594-613
- Simultaneous versus Sequential Anticommons (mit F. Parisi und B. Depoorter), European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 17, 2004, pp. 175-190
- Duality in Property: Commons and Anticommons (mit F. Parisi und B. Depoorter), International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 25, 4, 2005
- Two Dimensions of Regulatory Competition (mit F. Parisi und B. Depoorter), International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 25, 1, 2006, pp. 56-66
- Does the Service Argument Justify Resale Price Maintenance? Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, vol. 163, 2, pp. 236 - 255
- Review of the Literature on the Impact of Mergers on Innovation, Journal of Strategic Management Education, vol. 4, 2008
- Mathematische Optimierung und mikroökonomische Theorie (mit K. Stahl), Springer, Heidelberg, New York, 1981
- Unternehmensgründungen und Markteintritt, Studies in Contemporary Economics, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1995
- Wettbewerbspolitik, eine Einführung aus industrieökonomischer Sicht, Neue ökonomische Grundrisse, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2003
- Welfare Economics and the Vector Maximum Problem; in Stadler, W. (ed): Applications of Multicriteria Optimization in Engineering and the Sciences, Plenum, New York, 1988
- Agglomeration als Gleichgewichtsergebnis in neueren Beiträgen der Standorttheorie, in: Gahlen, B., H. Hesse und H. J. Ramser (Hrsg.): Standort und Region, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen, 1995
- Finanzmärkte und strategische Interaktion auf Gütermärkten, in Gahlen, B., H. Hesse und H. J. Ramser (Hrsg.): Finanzmärkte, J.C.B Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen, 1997
- Bertelsmann, Kirch und Karel van Miert, WIST, November 1998
- Comment on Schwalbe: Irving Fisher's Mathematical Investigations in the Theory of Value and Prices, in Loef, Hans-E. und Hans G. Monissen (Hrsg.): The Economics of Irving Fisher, Reviewing the Scientific Work of a Great Economist, Edward Elgar, pp. 308-313, 1999
- Ökonomische Beurteilung von Preisdiskriminierung, in Diskriminierungsfreier Zugang zu (Verkehrs-) Infrastrukturen: Konzepte, Erfahrungen und institutionelles Design, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Verkehrswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, Reihe B, B 224, S. 23-50, 1999
- UMTS in Deutschland, Beitrag für WIST, November 2000
- UMTS Versteigerungen in Deutschland: Zufälliger Erfolg? Volkswirtschaftliche Korrespondenz der Adolf-Weber-Stiftung, 40. Jhrg., Nr. 3/01, 2001
- Nobelpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2001 an George Akerlof, Michael Spence und Joseph Stiglitz, WIST, Januar 2002
- Formen und Funktionen von Märkten und Preisbildung, Modul für: Ökonomische Bildung Online, 2002
- Hohe Strompreise: Was tun?, WIST, Februar 2005
- Nobelpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2005 an Robert Aumann und Thomas Schelling, WIST, Januar 2006
- Koreferat zu Akquisitionen und Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen im IAB-Betriebspanel, Beiträge zur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, 305, 2006, pp. 205-207
- Markt contra Staat?, in: Tschochohei, Heinrich & Stefan Zimmermann (Hrsg.): Governance und Marktdesign, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, S. 59-83, 2009
- Zum Nobelpreis 2012 für Alvin E. Roth und Lloyd S. Shapley, WIST, Dezember 2012
- Die industrieökonomische Revolution, WIST, Dezember 2014
- Das europäische Kartellrecht im Wandel der Netzindustrien, in Bien, Ludwigs (Hrsg.): Das europäische Kartell- und Regulierungsrecht in Netzindustrien, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2015
- On Fixed Price Equilibria as a Microfoundation of Price Regulation; CRMS Working Paper in Economic Theory and Econometrics, IP-297, Berkeley, 1981
- On a General Theory of Partial Equilibrium; Working Papers in Economic Theory and Urban Economics, #8204, Dortmund, 1982
- A Comment on Benassy's Effective Demand; Working Papers in Economic Theory and Urban Economics, #8205, Dortmund, 1982
- Mathematik I für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftler; Working Papers in Economic Theory and Urban Economics, #8511, 1985
- Mathematik II für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftler;Working Papers in Economic Theory and Urban Economics, #8603, 1986
- Homothetische Zielfunktionen und Eigenschaften von Nachfragefunktionen; Eine Zusammenfassung, Working Papers in Economic Theory and Urban Economics, #8609, 1986
- Oligopolistic Industry Location and Local Labor Markets, mimeo 1987
- Consumer Search and the Spatial Organization of Markets for Differentiated Products; (mit K. Stahl), Beiträge zur Angewandten Wirtschaftsforschung, #374-88, 1988
- Sequential Entry and Choice of Technique in a Market for Differentiated Products; (mit K. Stahl), Beiträge zur Angewandten Wirtschaftsforschung, #461-91, 1991
- Advertising Spillovers and Strategic Product Differentiation: Monopoly Welfare-Dominates Duopoly; (mit K. Stahl), Beiträge zur Angewandten Wirtschaftsforschung, #493-94, 1994
- Unternehmensgründungen und Markteintritt, Habilitationsschrift (Universität Mannheim), 1994
- Financial Constraints and Entry Deterrence; Beiträge zur Angewandten Wirtschaftsforschung, #492-94, 1994
- Mikroökonomik I und II, Vorlesungsskript Universität Würzburg, 1997
- Wettbewerbspolitik, Vorlesungsskript Universität Würzburg, 1997
- Preistheorie, Vorlesungsskript Universität Würzburg, 1997
- Erfolg von Unternehmensgründungen, Arbeitspapier Würzburg 1998
- Capacity Constrained Price Competition and Entry Deterrence in Heterogeneous Product Markets, Würzburg Economic Papers, 99-07
- Third-Degree Price Discrimination in an Oligopolistic Market, Würzburg Economic Papers, 99-06
- Thoughts on the Nature of Vetoes when Bargaining on Public Projects, Würzburg Economic Papers, 00-17
- Duality in Property: Commons and Anticommons (mit F. Parisi und B. Depoorter), Würzburg Economic Papers, 00-21
- Private and Social Incentives to Discriminate in Oligopoly, Würzburg Economic Papers, 00-25
- Fragmentation in Property: Towards a General Model (mit F. Parisi und B. Depoorter), Würzburg Economic Papers, 01-32
- Symmetry and Asymmetry in Property: Commons and Anticommons (mit F. Parisi und B. Depoorter), Würzburg Economic Papers, 03-46
- Resale Price Maintenance and the Service Argument: Efficiency Effects, Würzburg Economic Papers, 05-62
- Does the Service Argument Justify Resale Price Maintenance?, Würzburg Economic Papers, 06-70