Die Forschung der Juniorprofessur beschäftigt sich internationalem Handel und Umweltökonomik, sowie Ökonometrie. Weite Teile der Arbeit sind mit dem sogenannten Gravitationsmodell für internationalen Handel verbunden. Zum Beispiel wurden Modellerweiterungen entwickelt, die die Analse von CO2-Zöllen oder von unilateralen Austritten aus dem Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen ermöglichen.
- A Tale of (Almost) 1001 Coefficients: Deep and Heterogeneous Effects of the EU-Turkey Customs Union (with Mario Larch and Aiko Schmeißer), 2021, Journal of Common Market Studies, 59(2), pp. 242-260.
- Worth the Pain? Firms’ Exporting Behaviour to Countries under Sanctions (with Matthieu Crozet, Julian Hinz, and Amrei Stammann), 2021, European Economic Review, 134, 103683.
- Currency Unions and Trade: A PPML Re-assessment with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects (with Mario Larch, Yoto V. Yotov, and Thomas Zylkin), 2019, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 81(3), pp. 487–510.
- Review of Thermophysical Property Data of Octadecane for Phase-Change Studies (with Moritz Faden, Stephan Höhlein, Andreas König-Haagen, and Dieter Brüggemann), 2019, Materials, 12(18), 2974.
- Bi- and Unilateral Trade Effects of Joining the Euro (with Mario Larch and Yoto V. Yotov), 2018, Economics Letters, 171, pp. 230–234.
- Can Degrowth Overcome the Leakage Problem of Unilateral Climate Policy? (with Mario Larch and Markus Löning), 2018, Ecological Economics, 152, pp.118–130.
Carbon Tariffs: An Analysis of the Trade, Welfare and Emission Effects (with Mario Larch), 2017, Journal of International Economics, 109, pp.195–213.
Working Paper
- The Consequences of Unilateral Withdrawals from the Paris Agreement (with Mario Larch), CESifo Working Paper No. 7804, resubmitted after revision at the European Economic Review
- State Dependence and Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Extensive Margin of Trade (with Julian Hinz and Amrei Stammann, previously Persistent Zeros: The Extensive Margin of Trade, Kiel Working Paper No. 2139). (link to the latest version)
- The Impact of Trade and Trade Policy on the Environment and the Climate: A Review (with Gabriel Felbermayr and Sonja Peterson), Kiel Working Paper No. 2233, resubmitted after revision at the Journal of Economic Surveys
- Brothers in Arms: The Value of Coalitions in Sanctions Regimes (with Sonali Chowdry, Julian Hinz, and Katrin Kamin), Kiel Working Paper No. 2234, accepted for publication at Economic Policy