Theoretical & Applied Economics
This is a list of the current bachelor and master courses which are taught in English either in the winter semester or the summer semester. They all share the topics of ‘’Theoretical and Applied Economics” meaning that students can gain insights into microeconomics as well as macroeconomics. Typically courses in the master program require some background in theoretical or empirical methods. However, there is no formal restriction for bachelor students. Therefore, students have to find out individually whether they can manage the course. The particular field of study for each course at the master’s level is indicated.
Public Policy (Bachelor, 5 ECTS), 10180020
Industrial Organization (Bachelor, 5 ECTS), 10132100
Globalisation and the Environment (Bachelor, 5 ECTS), 10331000
Labour Economics (Bachelor, 5 ECTS), 10141000
Labour Economics - Seminar (Bachelor, 5 ECTS), 10145400
International Trade and the Multinational Firm (Master, 5 ECTS), 10121100
International Climate Policy (Master, 5 ECTS), 10335000
Strategic Decisions and Competition (Master, 5 ECTS), 10135300
Advanced Macroeconomics (Master, 5 ECTS), 10126300
Seminar in Supply Chain Competition (Master, 10 ECTS), 10617930
Behavioral Economics (Master, 5 ECTS) 10177000
Monetary Policy and the Financial System (Master, 5 ECTS), 10115100
Optimal Tax Theory (Master, 5 ECTS), 10159400
International Climate Policy: Seminar (Master, 5 ECTS), 10335000
Applied Data Science in Business and Economics (Master, 5 ECTS), 10182000
DSGE-Modelling (Master, 5 ECTS), 10119400
Theory of Industrial Organization (Master, 5 ECTS), 10135200
Experimental Economics (Master, 5 ECTS), 10145600
Decision Making in Teams and Organisations (Bachelor, 5 ECTS), 10177100
Business Strategy for Information and Network Industries (Bachelor, 5 ECTS), 10131300
Challenges of China's Economic Rise (Bachelor, 5 ECTS), 10131020
European Competition Policy (Master, 5 ECTS), 10136100
Economic Geography (Master, 5 ECTS), 10124200
Advanced Microeconomics (Master, 5 ECTS), 10135100
Policy Evaluation Methods (Master, 5 ECTS), 10149300
Business Cycles (Master, 5 ECTS), 10115000
Advanced Labour Economics (Master, 5 ECTS), 10145000
Empirical International Trade (Master, 10 ECTS), 10127120
Applied Data Analysis and Machine Learning / Data Science in Business and Economics (Master, 5 ECTS), 10608100
Topics in Economics and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (block seminar, Master, 10 ECTS), 10000120
Applied Data Science in Business and Economics (Master, 5 ECTS), 10182000
Seminar: Behavioral, Organisational and Labor Economics (Master, 10 ECTS), 10149221