Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods

Sohom Mukherjee

Sohom Mukherjee

Scientific Staff
Sanderring 2
97070 Würzburg

Brief CV

Sohom Mukherjee holds a Master degree in Visual Computing from Saarland University, with a focus on optimization and machine learning. Previously he has worked at DFKI Berlin in interpretable machine learning, as well as at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in the area of deep network compression. More recently he was involved in research in adaptive stochastic optimization and federated learning, which also formed the topic of his Master thesis.

His current and future research goals would be applying techniques from stochastic optimization and statistical learning to develop data-driven solutions for operations management problems. A complimentary goal is to also make these solutions trustworthy, human-aligned, and scalable.