Deutsch Intern
Junior Professorship of Microeconomics, esp. Economics of Digitization


The junior professorship examines and investigates, among others, the impact of new technologies on organizations and human behavior, interaction and cooperation of humans with non-human agents, and the future of work in times of technological change.

Publications with peer review

  • von Schenk, Alicia, Victor Klockmann, Jean-François Bonnefon, Iyad Rahwan, & Nils Köbis. "Lie Detection Algorithms Attract Few Users but Vastly Increase Accusation Rates." iScience 27(7): 110201, 2024.
  • von Schenk, Alicia, Victor Klockmann, & Nils Köbis. "Social Preferences Towards Humans And Machines - A Systematic Experiment on the Role of Machine Payoffs". Forthcoming, Perspectives on Psychological Science (OnlineFirst).
  • Eibelshäuser, Steffen, Victor Klockmann, David Poensgen, & Alicia von Schenk. "The Logarithmic Stochastic Tracing Procedure: A Homotopy Method to Compute Stationary Equilibria of Stochastic Games." INFORMS Journal on Computing 35(6): 1511-1526, 2023.
  • Klockmann, Victor, & Alicia von Schenk. "Patronizing Behavior in Heterogeneous Teams: A Laboratory Experiment." Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 107: 102113, 2023.
  • Klockmann, Victor, Alicia von Schenk, & Marie Claire Villeval. "Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Intergenerational Responsibility." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 203: 284-317, 2022.
  • Klockmann, Victor, Alicia von Schenk, & Ferdinand A. von Siemens. "Division of Labor and the Organization of Knowledge in Production: A Laboratory Experiment." Games and Economic Behavior 130: 196-210, 2021.

Papers submitted for peer review

  • Klockmann, Victor, Alicia von Schenk, & Marie Claire Villeval. "Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Pivotality." Under review.
  • Grunewald, Andreas, Victor Klockmann, Alicia von Schenk, & Ferdinand von Siemens. "Are Biases Contagious? The Influence of Communication on Motivated Beliefs." Under review.
  • Bauer, Kevin, Victor Klockmann, Alicia von Schenk, & Jan Zacharias. "Can Less Be More? User-Driven Data Selection and Targeting in AI Recommender Systems." Under review.

Further working papers

  • Hinz, Oliver, Victor Klockmann, & Alicia von Schenk. "Transparency in Algorithmic Credit Scoring: Evidence from meineSCHUFA."
  • Blonski, Matthias, Steffen Eibelshäuser, Hendrik Hegemann, Victor Klockmann, & Alicia von Schenk. "Cooperation in the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma: An Experiment on Human vs. Algorithmic Opponents."