Deutsch Intern
Senior Professorship for Economics, Money and International Economic Relations

Dr. Thomas Haas

Former Research Associate and Doctoral Candidate








Research interests: Macroeconomics, monetary macroeconomics, economic policy, financial system and growth, digital currencies, financial crises



  • Bofinger, Peter, Geißendörfer, Lisa, Haas, Thomas, and Mayer, Fabian. (2023). Credit as an Engine for Growth: A Monetary Explanation of the Chinese Growth Story from 1980 to 2020. Würzburg Economic Papers No. 107. Download
  • Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas (2023). R-Star: A new approach to estimate the polar star of monetary policy. CEPR Discussion Paper, No. 18420 Download.
    • Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas (2023). R-star: An alternative approach to estimate the polar star of monetary policy. VoxEU Column Link Column.
    • Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas (2023). R-Star: A new approach to estimate the polar star of monetary policy. Würzburg Economic Papers No. 106. Download
  • Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas (2023). The Digital Euro (CBDC) as a Monetary Anchor of the Financial System. SUERF Policy Note, Issue No. 309 Download.
    • Featured in the Financial Times (May 16, 2023) Link to Article.
    • Interview with Tagesschau (German Public Television Broadcaster) Link to Video.
  • Bofinger, Peter, Geißendörfer, Lisa, Haas, Thomas, and Mayer, Fabian. (2023). Schumpeter’s insights for monetary macroeconomics and the theory of financial crises. Industrial and Corporate Change, 32(2), 573-603 Download.
    • Bofinger, Peter, Geißendörfer, Lisa, Haas, Thomas, and Mayer, Fabian. (2023). How monetary policy affects bank lending and financial stability: A ‘credit creation theory of banking’ explanation. VoxEU Column Link Column.
  • Beilner, Maximilian, Haas, Thomas, and Hess, Simon (2023). Digitales Zentralbankgeld aus rechtsökonomischer Perspektive. Wirtschafts- & Bankenrecht, WM 2023 Heft 3, 111  Download.
  • Geißendörfer, Lisa and Haas, Thomas (2022). Schumpeter in Practice: The Role of Credit for Industrial Policy in China. FMM Working Paper No. 85 Download.
  • Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas (2022). A Nobel Award for the Wrong Model. INET Blog Contribution Link Column.
  • Gutierrez, Juan and Haas, Thomas (2022). CBDC pilots and research, lessons for the digital euro. DEA Blog Contribution Link Column.
  • Ahlborn, Erik et al. (2022). Ahead of the digital euro: Public Digital Euro Working Group Recommendations. DEA Working Paper Download.
  • Ahlborn, Erik et al. (2022). Stablecoins: An introduction and recommendations for the EU. DEA Working Paper Download.
  • Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas (2022). What business model for the Digital Euro? Lessons from Brazil and Switzerland? SUERF Policy Note, Issue No. 277 Download.
  • Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas (2021). Central bank digital currencies: can central banks succeed in the marketplace for digital monies? CEPS/ECMI Working Paper Download CEPS Download ECMI.
    • Best Paper Award at the CEPS/ECRI/ECMI call for papers on “The future of digital payments in the EU” Link.
    • Presented at CEPS/ECRI/ECMI “The future of digital payments in the EU” event on December 9, 2021 Link.
  • Bofinger, Peter, Geißendörfer, Lisa, Haas, Thomas, and Mayer, Fabian (2021). Discovering the True Schumpeter - New Insights into the Finance and Growth Nexus. CEPR Discussion Papers No. 16851 Download.
    • Bofinger, Peter, Geißendörfer, Lisa, Haas, Thomas, and Mayer, Fabian (2022). Discovering the ‘true’ Schumpeter: New insights on the finance and growth nexus. VoxEU Column Link Column.
    • Bofinger, Peter, Geißendörfer, Lisa, Haas, Thomas, and Mayer, Fabian (2022). Discovering the True Schumpeter - New Insights into the Finance and Growth Nexus. Würzburg Economic Papers No. 102. Download.
  • Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas (2021). CBDC: Where is the unique selling proposition? SUERF Policy Note, Issue No. 228 Download.
  • Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas (2020). CBDC: Can central banks succeed in the marketplace for digital monies? CEPR Discussion Papers No. 15489 Download.
    • Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas (2021). Central bank digital currencies risk becoming a gigantic flop. VoxEU Column Link Column.
    • Presented at "Regional Conference on Payments and Markets Infrastructures" by CEMLA (Colombia), June 2021 Conference Link
  • Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas (2020). CBDC: A systemic perspective. Würzburg Economic Papers No. 101 Download
  • Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas (2018). A simple microeconomic model for the analysis of Vollgeld. Würzburg Economic Papers No. 99 Download.



Summer term 2023:

  • European Macroeconomics (Bachelor, in English)

Teaching in previous semesters:

  • Introduction to Economics (Bachelor)
  • Macroeconomics (Bachelor)
  • European Monetary Policy (Bachelor)
  • Monetary Policy and Financial Markets (Bachelor)
  • European Macroeconomics (Bachelor, in English)
  • Economists report on their practical experiences (Bachelor and Master)
  • Monetary policy in closed economies (Master)
  • European Macroeconomic Policy (Master)
  • Seminar: Money and International Economics (Master)