The ECB justifies the supposed necessity of a digital euro by its alleged anchor role. In their SUERF Policy Note, Prof. Bofinger and Thomas Haas identify and discuss three potential anchor roles of the digital euro. In doing so, they point out shortcomings in the ECB's argumentation.
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The bank was mismanaged but its collapse, Peter Bofinger writes, reveals a system of regulation with as many holes as a Swiss cheese.
moreA Schumpeterian perspective provides new insights for fiscal policy in Europe, Peter Bofinger writes.
moreIn his current column in the Handelsblatt, Prof. Bofinger discusses the remuneration of central bank reserves and whether this constitutes a subsidy for banks.
morePeter Bofinger argues that on the ‘digital euro’ the European Central Bank has dug itself into a hole it would do best to vacate.
moreThe 26. FMM Conference took place under the name "Post Keynesian Economics and Globale Challenges" in Berlin. Prof Bofinger gave a presentation about "Schumpeterian Macroeconomics".
moreNew contribution by Prof Bofinger and Thomas Haas on the Diamond-Dybvig model for bank runs
10/18/2022The paper by Prof. Bofinger and Thomas Haas discusses the 2022 economics nobel price winning paper by Diamond and Dybvig on bank runs.
morePeter Bofinger questions last week’s award of a prestigious economics prize to an orthodox school which could not anticipate the 2008 crash.
moreThe 105. International Business Cycle Forum of the Kieler Konjunkturgespräche 2022 in Berlin took place under the motto "Catch me if you can - Consumer prices on the run".
moreAt the 48th Annual Forum New Economy of the European House-Ambrosetti, Prof. Bofinger gave a presentation on the current economic outlook, in particular current inflation developments.
morePeter Bofinger argues that state guarantees of loans to households could cushion the price shock at negligible cost.
morePresentation by Prof Bofinger on inflation
05/26/2022At the New Paradigm Workshop of the Forum New Economy, Prof. Bofinger gave a presentation on current inflation developments. The topic of the workshop, which took place in Berlin on May 24 and 25, was "New Roles for the State: Rethinking Government at the Turning of Ages." The panel, in which Prof Bofinger also participated, accordingly also dealt with the role of the state in combating the current elevated inflation rates ("Fighting Inflation - A Case for the Government?").
moreThe policy paper by Prof. Bofinger and Thomas Haas discusses the current efforts of the European Central Bank to introduce a digital euro (CBDC). Instead of focusing on payment assets, the authors shift the focus on payment systems. The paper analyzes successful payment systems from Brazil and Switzerland that can serve as models for the design of a digital euro. Such a design of CBDCs could contribute to Europe's strategic sovereignty and provide added value for users.
moreDean's List excursion to Berlin
05/09/2022This year's excursion with Dean's List students took place from May 9 to 11 with visits to the Bundestag, the Chancellery, the Ministry of Finance and EY.
morePeter Bofinger explains how inflation in the eurozone can be tempered without jeopardising recovery.