Deutsch Intern
Senior Professorship for Economics, Money and International Economic Relations

Digitization of the Monetary System: Digital Euro, Cryptocurrencies and New Approaches to Monetary Theory

WKÖ-Report by Prof. Bofinger and Thomas Haas on the Benefits and Risks of the Digital Euro of July 2023 :
The Digital Euro Benefits, Costs and Risks

Paper by Prof. Bofinger and Thomas Haas on the Natural Rate of Interest of September4, 2023: R-Star: A new approach to estimate the polar star of monetary policy

Paper by Prof. Bofinger and Thomas Haas on the anchor role of the digital Euro (2023):
The Digital Euro (CBDC) as a Monetary Anchor of the Financial System

Martin Arnold and Sam Fleming discussed this publication in their article in the Financial Times of May 16, 2023:
The digital euro: a solution seeking a problem?

Thomas Haas on CBDC from a legal perspective (2023) (in German):
WM Wirtschafts- & Bankenrecht

Guest article by Prof. Bofinger in Social Europe of December 19, 2022 on the digital euro:
The digital euro: a flawed concept doomed to flop

Discussion Paper by Prof. Bofinger and Fabian Mayer on Cryptocurrencies (2022):
Cryptocurrency competition: An empirical test of Hayek's vision of private monies

Article by Thomas Haas in Digital Euro Association on lessons for the digital euro of September 19, 2022:
Article Series - CBDC pilots and research, lessons for the digital euro

Paper contribution by Thomas Haas on the digital euro (2022):
Ahead of the Digital Euro

Paper contributions by Prof. Bofinger, Thomas Haas and Fabian Mayer on Stablecoins (2022):
Stablecoins: An Introduction and Recommendations for the European Union

Paper by Prof. Bofinger and Thomas Haas on the business model for the digital euro (2022):
What business model for the digital euro? Lessons from Brazil and Switzerland

Contribution by Prof. Bofinger and Thomas Haas on Central Bank Digital Currencies of December 16, 2021:
Central Bank Digital Currencies: Can Central Banks succeed in the marketplace for digital monies?

Paper by Prof. Bofinger and Thomas Haas on the lack of a USP of Central Bank Digital Currencies (2021):
CBDC: Where is the unique selling proposition?

Guest article by Prof. Bofinger in Social Europe of February 8, 2021 on Bitcoin
Bitcoin lacks a unique selling proposition

Paper by Prof. Bofinger and Thomas Haas on the Central Bank Digital Currencies (2020):
CBDC: Can central banks succeed in the marketplace for digital monies?

The authors published a corresponding article at VoxEU (2020):
Central bank digital currencies risk becoming a gigantic flop

Paper by Prof. Bofinger and Thomas Haas on the Central Bank Digital Currencies (2020):
CBDC: A systemic perspective

Paper in the European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies about the monetary policy of the ECB under president Mario Draghi of Septemer 2020: Peter Bofinger – The ECB's policy under the presidency of Mario Draghi: a curse or a blessing for Europe?

Guest article by Prof. Bofinger in Social Europe of October 29, 2019 on CBDC:
Central-bank digital currencies: proceed with caution

Guest article by Prof. Bofinger in Social Europe of July 8, 2019 on Libra:
"Libra: Facebook's new currency fails the Hayek test"

Guest article by Prof. Bofinger in the German newspaper "F.A.S" of June 30, 2019 on Libra (in German):
"Finger weg von Facebooks Währung!"

Guest article by Prof. Bofinger in Social Europe about Modern Monetary Theory of April 16, 2019:
"Modern monetary theory: the dose makes the poison"

Monetative annual conference 2018 on November 24, 2018

Article of August 15, 2018 by Prof. Bofinger about the functionality of crypto currencies at INET:
The Mechanics of Cryptocurrency

Paper by Prof. Bofinger and Thomas Haas about Vollgeld (2018):
 "A simple microeconomic model for the analysis of Vollgeld" 

Contribution by Prof. Bofinger of at VoxEu on digitalisation of money of June 12, 2018:
Digitalisation of money and the future of monetary policy 

Contribution "The future of central banking" at the Constâncio-Colloquium at the ECB on May 16, 2018 with Transcription andvideo of Prof. Bofinger.
  Comemorative publication in honor of Vítor Constâncio

FAZ article of January 7, 2018 about Bitcoin by Prof. Bofinger (in German):
Warum staatliche Währungen immer noch überlegen sind