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  • Alte Mainbrücke mit Festungsblick
Faculty of Management and Economics


You want to study at the Faculty of Management and Economics?
Great! Then you've come to the right place.

Here you will find all information about our courses, the application process and admission.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at +49 931 31 82900.

  • What can I study here?

Enrollment portal

Enrollment for winter semester: mid-July - beginning of October
Required German language skills: B2 (at least good)

Applicants who do NOT have German citizenship and do NOT have a German “Abitur” must apply by July 15. All information can be found at the International Office.

Business Management and Economics (B.Sc.)

Business Management and Economics as minor subject (B.Sc.)

Business Informatics (B.Sc.)

Economathematics (B.Sc.)

Digital Business & Data Science (B.Sc.)

  • Who studies something like that?

The range of jobs offered by our business administration, economics and business informatics programs is broad. Here, some of our graduates show a few possible career prospects:

The Career Centre brochure (only availale in German) provides an overview of other professional fields.

  • Why study here?

Study programs

The faculty offers you a wide range of bachelor's and master's degree programs, allowing you to choose from a broad portfolio of modules as well as the ability to focus your studies - just the way you like it.


Cooperation abroad

Studying at a foreign university is actively encouraged by the Faculty of Management and Economics. A stay abroad is a central component for both academic training and personal development.


Sports offer

The University of Würzburg offers students a comprehensive program of individual and team sports through the University Sports Center. In addition to weight rooms and various team sports, the university also offers dance classes, martial arts and water sports.



Events such as "Vorstände berichten aus der Praxis", "Volkswirte berichten aus der Praxis" or "Wirtschaft trifft Wissenschaft" enable the transfer between theory and practice.
There are also exciting insights in the podcast "Arbeit Bildung Zukunft" by Dr Lukas Kagerbauer.



Student Services (Studierendenwerk) will advise you on how to find a reasonably priced spot in a residence hall. In addition, it will be happy to assist you with applying for "BAföG" or other financial questions concerning your studies.



Würzburg captivates visitors with its beautiful landscape and the flair of an international student city. 35,000 students characterize the city and the nightlife and ensure that you will quickly feel at home and the city has so much to offer that it won’t get boring. 

More information

Jana Michel
Jana Michel
Bachelor coordinator and subject advisor

Consultation hours: Tuesday, 9-11 a.m.
Building: New University / Room: 291
Phone: 0931 31-89967

Philipp Weber
Master coordinator and subject advisor

Consultation hours: Tuesday, 9-11 a.m.
Building: New University / Room: 292
Phone: 0931 31-89968


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