Orientation Tutorials

We would like to welcome you to the Faculty of Business Management and Economics!
In order to welcome you as our new students at the Faculty of Business Management and Economics, as well as to get to know you personally and give you a good start to your studies, we would like to invite you to take part in one of our orientation tutorials (BOT/MOT), which take place in the week before the start of lectures.
Topics of the orientation tutorial:
- Getting a first orientation at the faculty or university
- Structure, content and requirements of the degree program
- Study planning
- Subject-specific learning and study techniques
- Exam preparation, including time management
The aim is to deal with topics, questions and problems which experience has shown to occur particularly at the beginning of your studies and thus prepare you optimally for the start of your studies.
Please note that you will receive a student e-mail address, a so-called “stud-mail address”, when you enrol (usually first name.surname@stud-mail.uni-wuerzburg.de). All information from the university will be sent exclusively to this e-mail address.
Contact Person
BOT: Jana Michel (bachelor@wiwi.uni-wuerzburg.de) / 0931-31 89967
MOT: Philipp Weber & Katharina Kommer (master@wiwi.uni-wuerzburg.de) / 0931-31 89968
Tutor(in) werden:
Just like the university, the BOT/MOT program also depends on the dedicated cooperation of students. For the tutorials at the start of studies (Bachelor's and Master's orientation tutorials) and during the semester (academic work or as a writing tutor), we are therefore always dependent on students who are qualified, reliable and motivated to help their fellow students. Please get in touch with the contact persons listed above if you are interested in working with us (studiendekanat@wiwi.uni-wuerzburg.de).