Deutsch Intern

Study abroad

The application phase for a study abroad in the winter semester 2024/25 and summer semester 2025 ended on 20 December 2023.

Stays abroad are a popular way for students to spend some time in a new environment and get to know a foreign country, a different education system and new people in a foreign language. Such an experience is definitely advisable!

Studying at a foreign university is actively promoted by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. A stay at a foreign university is a central component of both academic training and personal development. The exchange programmes take this idea of European integration into account.

If you are interested in studying abroad, you should start planning your plans in good time, i.e. about 1 1/2 years in advance. It is recommended that

  • Bachelo -students in the 3rd / 4th. semester
  • Master students in the 1st /2nd semester

apply for a stay abroad so that the stay can take place in the 5th/6th semester (for Bachelor students) or in the 3rd/4th semester (for Master students).

Die Bewerbungsphase für einen Studienaufenthalt im Ausland im Wintersemester  2025/26 und Sommersemester 2026 endete am 20.12.2024.

Auslandsaufenthalte gelten als beliebtes Mittel für Studierende, einige Zeit in einer neuen Umgebung zu leben und in einer fremden Sprache ein fremdes Land, ein anderes Bildungssystem und neue Leute kennen zu lernen. Eine solche Erfahrung ist jedenfalls ratsam!

Das Studium an einer ausländischen Hochschule wird von der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät aktiv gefördert. Sowohl für die akademische Ausbildung als auch für die persönliche Entwicklung ist der Aufenthalt an einer ausländischen Universität ein zentraler Bestandteil. Diesem Gedanken der europäischen Integration tragen die Austauschprogramme Rechnung.

Wer sich für ein Studium im Ausland interessiert, sollte rechtzeitig, d.h. ca. 1 1/2 Jahre im Voraus, die Planung seines Vorhabens angehen. Es wird empfohlen, dass sich

  • Bachelor-Studierende im 3./4. Semester
  • Master-Studierende im 1./2. Semester

für einen Aufenthalt im Ausland bewerben, sodass der Aufenthalt im 5./6. Semester (für Bachelor-Studierende) bzw. im 3./4. Semester (für Master-Studierende) erfolgen kann.

The Faculty of Economic Sciences offers places for exchange periods through the Erasmus programme  (within Europe) or the university partnership programmes (outside Europe). In addition, students can apply for an exchange place through the International Office of the University of Würzburg.

Alternatively, you can organize your stay abroad on your own as a so-called "free mover". In this case, it should be noted that both the financial and organizational effort is much higher. For example, you may have to pay any tuition fees yourself. Finding financial support as a "free mover" is much more time-consuming and difficult.

Most host universities require a language certificate in the national language or in English for the application. You can obtain the corresponding proof of your foreign language skills at the Language Center (ZfS). This is the so-called mobility test. The test and the issuing of the proof are subject to a fee (20€).

Detailed information can be found here.

As part of ERASMUS+, study stays or internships can be financially supported by so-called mobility grants. Eligible stays are between three and twelve months. The monthly grant is based on the cost of living in the host country.
A study stay through a university partnership program (outside the ERASMUS area) can be funded through a so-called PROMOS scholarship. However, students are required to apply for this.

If you want to study outside the European Union, you will need a visa for many countries. Therefore, please inquire at the responsible foreign mission (embassy or consulate) far enough in advance and submit the application as soon as you have received the official confirmation of admission from the host university.
Outside Europe, a passport is also required.

Would you like to do an internship abroad during your studies? The university or faculty cannot arrange internships for you, but they can point out funding and placement opportunities. Helpful information can also be found in the DAAD brochure.

Internship exchange: In the job and career portal of the university's Career Center you can find internships abroad for students of economics In addition, there is an internship exchange on the pages of the International Office as well as helpful information, such as external internship exchanges, funding opportunities or country-specific information. Moreover, there are numerous external providers for internships abroad. You can find an overview here.
ERASMUS+ scholarship: As part of ERASMUS+, internships in one of the 28 member states of the European Union, Northern Macedonia, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Turkey can be funded. Students can apply for an ERASMUS internship starting in their first year of study. An internship can be carried out independently or in combination with an ERASMUS study visit. The ERASMUS+ programme can support students up to 12 months per study period (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate).
Promos scholarship: With PROMOS, you can have a stay of up to six months abroad funded, regardless of whether it is a study programme or an internship. Information on PROMOS funding as well as advice is provided. Detailed information about funding opportunities is provided by the International Office.
Crediting: Internships can be credited as a General Key Qualification in the Bachelor's programme in Economics as part of of the Key Qualifications. Please read the FAQ under "Study structure, examination regulations, elective and key qualification area".