Doctoral degree
The doctoral degree
At the Faculty of Management and Economics of the University of Würzburg, the title of Doctor of Management and Economics (Dr. rer. pol.) can be obtained as an academic degree.
The doctorate (Latin promotio ‘promotion’) is proof of independent, in-depth academic work. It is based on an independently written academic thesis (dissertation) and an oral examination (defence) in compliance with the principles of good academic practice.
Upon successful completion, a certificate in the form of a doctoral degree certificate will be awarded. The following information refers to the doctoral regulations for the Faculty of Management and Economics dated 6 December 2016 and the doctoral regulations dated 22 November 2023.
The doctoral regulations of 19 October 1998, last amended by the 3rd statutes of 19 December 2008, can be found here.
Your doctoral degree at the faculty
In principle, doctorates can be awarded at the Faculty of Management and Economics in any of the faculty's subject areas.
Before starting their doctorate degree, prospective students look for a supervisor (‘doctoral supervisor’) who will supervise their work at the faculty and provide the necessary infrastructure if required. As a rule, these are topics from the research areas of the professors at the faculty.
At the beginning of the doctoral programme, a specialist mentor is appointed by the chair of the doctoral committee to supervise the ongoing doctoral process. The subject mentor advises doctoral candidates in subject-related matters, promotes their academic development and monitors the progress of the doctoral procedure and the definition of qualification measures within the framework of the qualification programme. The subject mentorate consists of up to two university lecturers with a main supervisor.
In rare cases, an honorary doctorate and thus the degree of Doctor of Management and Economics can be awarded on an honorary basis. The honoured personalities must have rendered outstanding academic services in one or more subject areas that are part of the Faculty of Management and Economics.