Deutsch Intern
  • Fahne der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Faculty of Management and Economics


Research at the Faculty of Economic Sciences is based on the research expertise and teaching experience of our professors. In addition to research, the faculty focuses on the education and promotion of young scholars.

Research focus

The Faculty of Economic Sciences currently has about 30 professors and more than 70 research assistants. The research of our chairs is divided into the following focal areas:

Digital Transformation

Money & Capital

Work & Society

Topics in Digital Transformation research include the analysis of big data and the development of data-driven models for decision making and optimization, applying various techniques from the fields of machine learning and mathematical optimization.
Another topic area includes the use of new informational technologies (e.g., distributed ledger, Internet of Things) in the context of operational information systems and processes.
A third central aspect of digital transformation lies in the transformation of customer behavior and markets through digital marketing and digital sales. Research in this area is concerned with various digital strategies, including the platformization of value chains, search engines, social media and omnichannel marketing, and new hybrid products and services.

The research focus Money & Finance bundles the business and economic expertise of the faculty in research areas related to the decisions of actors in financial markets.
Here, the perspective of companies, issues of accounting, taxation and financing are of central importance. In detail, the design of internal and external reporting and its impact on decision-making behavior on capital markets and at companies are investigated. In addition, questions of company valuation, investment behavior and the influence of taxation on economic decisions are the main focus.
The economic focus is on the fields of finance, business cycles and financial markets, financial market econometrics and decision theory. Specifically, reforms of social security systems, topics of monetary and fiscal policy, financial market frictions as well as digital currencies and FinTechs in China are analyzed. In addition, individual decision-making in the face of risk is examined, while taking behavioral economics into account.

The research focus Work & Society deals with the transformation of work in a societal context. Here, research analyzes the effects of trade and regional policies, environmental issues, the behavior of firms, their interactions with their employees, and the resulting labor market outcomes. The effects of new technologies, such as intelligent algorithms, on organizations and human behavior are also studied.
Socioeconomic inequalities and the role of minorities are also central themes in this research focus.
Another research aspect includes the challenges of human resource management. These arise, for example, from demographic change, questions of educational quality, working time flexibilization and changes in wage policy.

Research & Practice

The professors of our faculty are committed to the practical transfer of scientific research in a variety of ways. Each semester, guest lectures and lecture series such as 'Boards of Directors Report from Practice' are held to promote direct exchange and knowledge transfer. Research projects and collaborations with companies and other scientific institutions are also actively supported by our chairs. Another example of the linking of science and business is the podcast Arbeit Bildung Zukunft by Dr Lukas Kagerbauer, where professors from our faculty are regular guests.

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