Head of Chair
Prof. Dr. Martin Kukuk
Office hours: by arrangement
Assistant lecturers
Emily Fuchs
Office hours: by arrangement
Research associates
Former employees
Dr. Tamara Schamberger
Titel of the dissertation: Methodological advances in composite-based structural equation modeling
Current employer: Universität Bielefeld
Luisa Beyerlein
Dr. Florian Schuberth
Title of the dissertation: Composite-based Methods in Structural Equation Modeling
Current employer: University of Twente
Petra Kandert
Dr. Andreas Dechert
Title of the dissertation: Fraktionale Integration und Kointegration in Theorie und Praxis
Dr. Verena Bayer
Title of the dissertation: Multivariate Modellierung operationeller Risiken in Kreditinstituten
Dr. Stefan Kempf
Title of the dissertation: Das Optionswertmodel zur Erklärung der Rentenentscheidung