Deutsch Intern
Juniorprofessur für Quantitative International and Environmental Economics

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter

Dr. Philipp Richter

Dr. Philipp Richter

Trade and the Environment, Climate Policy, Distributional Aspects, International Energy Markets, European Integration

Lehre im Wintersemester 2023/24:
Übung Globalization and the Environment



Philipp Richter

Universität Würzburg
Sanderring 2,
Zimmer 403
97070 Würzburg
Tel:  +49 (0)931-31-88648

Sprechstunden nach Vereinbarung

curriculum vita

Curriculum Vitae


Journal Articles

Unilateral Tax Policy in the Open Economy (with M. Kohl),
Journal of International Economics, 145: 103829, 2023.
Strategic Environmental Policy and the Mobility of Firms (with M. Runkel and R. C. Schmidt),
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 8(5): 863-893, 2021.
Environmental Policy and Firm Selection in the Open Economy (with H. Egger and U. Kreickemeier), 
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 8(4): 655-690, 2021.
Coal Taxes as Supply-Side Climate Policy: A Rationale for Major Exporters? (with R. Mendelevitch and F. Jotzo), 
Climatic Change 150(1-2): 43-56, 2018.
CO2 Emission Intensity and Exporting: Evidence from Firm-Level Data (with A. Schiersch), 
European Economic Review 98: 373-391, 2017.
Shaking Dutch Grounds Won’t Shatter the European Gas Market (with F. Holz, H. Brauers and T. Roobeek), 
Energy Economics 64: 520-529, 2017.
The Role of Natural Gas in a Low-Carbon Europe: Infrastructure and Supply Security (with F. Holz and R. Egging), 
The Energy Journal 37: 33-59, 2016.
All Quiet on the Eastern Front? Disruption Scenarios of Russian Natural Gas Supply to Europe (with F. Holz), 
Energy Policy 80: 177-189, 2015.
A Global Perspective on the Future of Natural Gas: Resources, Trade, and Climate Constraints (with F. Holz and R. Egging), 
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 9(1): 85-106, 2015.
From Boom to Bust? A Critical Look at US Shale Gas Projections, 
Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy 4(1): 131-151, 2015.
Trade and the Environment: The Role of Firm Heterogeneity (with U. Kreickemeier),
Review of International Economics 22: 209-225, 2014.

Work in Progress

Offshoring and Environmental Policy: Firm Selection and Distributional Effects (with S. Bolz and F. Naumann)
Why Haven’t CO2 Emissions from German Manufacturing Declined? The Roles of Preferences, Competition and Regulation (with Elisa Rottner and Kathrine von Graevenitz)
Emission Taxes, Redistribution Schemes, and the Impact on Occupational Choice Decisions
Strategic Firm Behaviour and Environmental Policy under General Oligopolistic Equilibrium (with S. Bolz)
Trade Exposure and C02 Emission Intensity of German Firms (with T. Köveker, A. Schiersch and R. Sogalla)
BCA and the Role of Heterogeneous Firms (with T. Köveker, A. Schiersch and R. Sogalla)
Unilateral Trade Policy and its Distributional Effects (with M. Kohl)
Strategic Environmental Policy in General Equilibrium (with U. Kreickemeier)

Policy Reports

The Paris Climate Agreement: Is It Sufficient to Limit Climate Change? (with H. Brauers), DIW Roundup 91, 2016.
Climate Negotiations: What can be Expected from the Climate Summit in Paris? (with H. Brauers), DIW Roundup 86, 2015.
The Controversy over the Free-Trade Agreement TTIP (with G. F. Schäffer), DIW Roundup 42, 2014.
European Natural Gas Infrastructure: The Role of Gazprom in European Natural Gas Supplies (with F. Holz, H. Engerer, C. Kemfert, and C. von Hirschhausen), DIW Berlin Politikberatung kompakt 81, 2014.
European Natural Gas Supply Secure Despite Political Crisis (with H. Engerer, F. Holz, C. von Hirschhausen, and C. Kemfert), DIW Economic Bulletin 8, 2014.
Structural Shift in Global Natural Gas Markets: Demand Boom in Asia, Supply Shock in the US (with F. Holz, and C. von Hirschhausen), DIW Economic Bulletin 11-12, 2013.
Emissionshandel für den Luftverkehr: internationaler Widerstand gegen den Alleingang der EU (with S. Dröge; only in German), SWP-aktuell 55, 2012.