Deutsch Intern
Chair of Business Administration and Marketing

Master thesis


Thank you for your interest in a master thesis at our chair. You find a list of the topics advertised for the winter semester 2024/25 here.

Please select at least four topics and prioritize them in your application (indicate topic number and title).

Application and procedure

1.General information

  • Processing time:
  • Scope:
  • Language:
  • Supervision:
  • Organization: 
6 months from registration of the topic
about 60 pages
English recommended (German language possible)

Individual meetings by arrangement
WueCampus course room

2. Admission requirements and topic allocation

  • See study regulations; if possible, the master seminar thesis should have been written at our chair or at least two modules from the field of marketing should have been successfully completed.
  • You can view and prioritize the topics above (please indicate at least four topics in preferred order → indicate topic number and title).
  • We primarily advertise Master's theses in which empirical-quantitative work is carried out. This can be done, for example, by analyzing a provided data set or self-collected data (e.g. by means of an experiment or survey). We will, of course, provide you with support for this. In addition, at the beginning of the Master's thesis, a compulsory short seminar on marketing research is offered (see below), which also includes a brief introduction to data collection and analysis. In addition, we recommend attending the VHB-course "Market Research with SPSS" for more in-depth familiarization with the topic and - depending on the chosen topic and analysis method - independent familiarization with the methodology during the Master's thesis.

3. Application procedure

  • Applications for the master thesis are made centrally via the FLIP portal.
  • The application deadline can be found on the pages of the Office of the Dean of Studies
  • If you have indicated the application to our chair as priority 1, please upload one (!) PDF file with the following documents to the platform: 
  1. Current transcript of records
  2. List of at least 4 of the topics in prioritized order (number and title) & short letter of motivation for the selected topics
  3. Curriculum vitae with the usual information
  4. Overview of the registered exams
  • IMPORTANT: Please upload only one (!) PDF file. Application documents that are incomplete and/or not submitted on time cannot be considered.

  • The order in which applications are received has no relevance to the selection process.
  • As part of the master's theses, a mandatory short seminar on marketing research is planned. This will take place in a total of 4 blocks, divided over 2 days. The appointments are listed under the “Scheduling” section.

Schedule winter semester 2024/25

Wed, September 18th 2024, 12:00 pm

(online via Zoom)

Kick-off event (Introduction to scientific work)

Mon, September 23rd 2024, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm
    Literature research seminar     


Wed, September 25th 2024, 09:00 am (zoom)

Short seminar marketing research block 1

Wed, September 25th 2024, 11:00 am (zoom) Short seminar marketing research block 2
Thu, September 26th 2024, 09:00 am (zoom) Short seminar marketing research block 3
Thu, September 26th 2024, 11:00 am (zoom)

Short seminar marketing research block 4

In consultation with the supervisor

Discussions on the outline

By October 30th 2024 at the latest

Registration of the thesis

        (Submission according to the registration date; submission to the examination office)

Further information on the central registration period can be found on the pages of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.


Formal guidlines

Please note our guidelines for the formal design of academic papers.


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