Deutsch Intern
Juniorprofessur für Marketing Analytics


Wir beschäftigen uns mit Fragestellungen aus den Bereichen Quantitatives Marketing, Marketing Analytics sowie Behavioral und Experimental Economics. Der Schwerpunkt unserer Forschung liegt auf der Untersuchung des Verhaltens und der Entscheidungsfindung von Konsumenten und Unternehmen in der digitalen Ökonomie.

Methodisch ist unsere Forschung stark empirisch ausgerichtet. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf experimentellen Untersuchungen (Labor-, Web- und Feldexperimente) und der Modellierung von Beobachtungs- und Befragungsdaten. Dabei kooperieren wir häufig mit Unternehmen sowie mit nationalen und internationalen Wissenschaftlern. Im Rahmen interdisziplinärer Projekte arbeiten wir zudem regelmäßig mit Wissenschaftlern aus den Bereichen Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik und Psychologie zusammen.

Google Scholar Profile

Beiträge in Zeitschriften

  • Stich, L., Ungemach, C., Fuchs, C., Spann, M., Ziano, I., & Schumpe, B. M. (2024). Transaction-Level Wage Transparency: How Fair Wage Disclosure Affects Consumer Preferences. International Journal of Research in Marketing, forthcoming.
  • Zeithammer, R., Stich, L., Spann, M., & Häubl, G. (2024). Strange Case of Dr. Bidder and Mr. Entrant: Consumer Preference Inconsistencies in Costly Price Offers. International Journal of Research in Marketing, forthcoming.
  • Heusler, A., Foutz, N. Z., Spann, M., & Stich, L. (2025). The Idea Marketplace: Diversity, Social Capital, and Innovation. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 53, 150–171.
  • Harter, A., Stich, L., & Spann, M. (2024). The Effect of Delivery Time on Repurchase Behavior in Quick Commerce. Journal of Service Research, forthcoming.
  • Stich, L., Spann, M., & Schmidt, K. M. (2022). Paying for Open Access. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 200, 273–286.
  • Dowling, K., Stich, L., & Spann, M. (2020). An Experimental Analysis of Overconfidence in Tariff Choice. Review of Managerial Science, 15(8), 2275–2297.
  • Rußell, R., Berger, B., Stich, L., Hess, T., & Spann, M. (2020). Monetizing Online Content: Digital Paywall Design and Configuration. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 62(3), 253–260.
  • Dowling, K., Guhl, D., Klapper, D., Spann, M., Stich, L., & Yegoryan, N. (2020). Behavioral Biases in Marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48, 449–477.
  • Spann, M., Stich, L., & Schmidt, K. M. (2017). Pay What You Want as a Pricing Model for Open Access Publishing? Communications of the ACM, 60(11), 29–31.
  • Krämer, F., Schmidt, K. M., Spann, M., & Stich, L. (2017). Delegating Pricing Power to Customers: Pay What You Want or Name Your Own Price? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 136, 125–140.
  • Krämer, F., Schmidt, K. M., Spann, M., & Stich, L. (2017). Buyer and Seller Data from Pay What You Want and Name Your Own Price Laboratory Markets. Data in Brief, 12, 513–517.
  • Stich, L., Golla, G., & Nanopoulos, A. (2014). Modelling the Spread of Negative Word-of-Mouth in Online Social Networks. Journal of Decision Systems, 23(2), 203–221.


  • Stich, L., Ungemach, C., Fuchs, C., Spann, M., Ziano, I. & Schumpe, B. (2024). Transaction-Level Wage Transparency. Proceedings of the 53rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Lill, M., Gallitz, N., Stich, L., & Spann, M. (2024). Product Badges and Consumer Choice on Digital Platforms. Proceedings of the 53rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Stich, L., Spann, M., & Häubl, G. (2022). Product Transparency in Online Selling Mechanisms: Consumer Preference for Mystery Products. Proceedings of the 51st European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
  • El-Gayar, A., Guhl, D., Stich, L., & Spann, M. (2022). Lack of Transparency: Understanding How Consumers Handle Missing Information in Markets with Mystery Products. Proceedings of the 51st European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Zeithammer, R., Stich, L., Spann, M., & Häubl, G. (2021). Risky Consumer Decision Making in Costly Participative Pricing. Advances in Consumer Research (ACR), Vol. 49, Seattle, WA, USA.
  • Rußell, R., Stich, L., Berger, B., Spann, M., & Hess, T. (2020). Consumer Response to Digital Paywall Configurations: Choice vs. Quantity Restrictions. Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India.
  • Stich, L., Ungemach, C., Fuchs, C., & Spann, M. (2019). The Effect of Disclosing Labor Cost on Consumer Preference. Proceedings of the 48th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Stich, L., Spann, M., & Häubl, G. (2018). Product Transparency in Online Selling Mechanisms: Consumer Preference for Opaque Products. Advances in Consumer Research (ACR), Vol. 46, Dallas, TX, USA.
  • Zeithammer, R., Stich, L., Spann, M., & Häubl, G. (2015). Paying for a Chance to Save Money: Participation Fees in Name-Your-Own-Price Selling. Advances in Consumer Research (ACR), Vol. 43, New Orleans, LA, USA.
