Deutsch Intern
Labor and Organisational Economics

MSc Seminar in Behavioral, Organizational, and Labor Economics (winter/summer)

  • Alternative course title in FLIP & WueStudy: Advanced Seminar: Labour Economics (Master)
  • Course number: 10149221
  • Level: Master
  • Semester: Winter / Summer
  • Language: English
  • Credits: 10 ECTS


About the course 

In this seminar, students will learn about state-of-the art research in behavioral, organizational, and labor economics. Students will independently and critically analyze selected research questions in these fields. Students learn how to present the corresponding research results both in writing and orally, and to critically engage with the work of other seminar participants. The seminar paper can take various forms. One possibility is to thoroughly analyze influential research on the selected topic and derive a policy proposal based on the existing evidence. Another possibility is to theoretically analyze the effects of an existing law or regulation from a (behavioral) economics perspective and discuss how existing policy instruments could be improved. A third possibility is that students perform their own empirical investigation, based on existing data from a scientific study or based on data that students collect themselves.  

For further information about the course topics in the current semester, please download the overview under "Further information" below.

Course registration
Information about the course registration can be found HERE


Further information (Summer 2025)