Deutsch Intern
Labor and Organisational Economics

Labor and Organizational Economics

  • Alternative course title in WueStudy / FLIP: Advanced Labour Economics
  • Course number: 
  • Level: Master
  • Semester: Summer
  • Language: English
  • Credits: 5 ECTS


About the course

This course provides an overview of modern labor and organizational economics. The course will equip students with the theoretical and empirical tools to analyze the functioning of labor markets and organizations. In the first part of the course, we will discuss the determinants of labor supply and demand, and the influence of labor market institutions like minimum wages or unemployment insurance on labor market outcomes. In the second part of the course, we will analyze how workers’ behavior and firms’ performance are shaped by compensation structures, hiring processes, or discriminatory practices.

Throughout the course, insights from state-of-the art empirical work will be discussed alongside theory. Besides focusing on neoclassical economic analysis, we will also discuss how insights from behavioral economics have enhanced our understanding of important labor market phenomena.