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Faculty of Management and Economics

Support for Ukrainian Students

Information for Ukrainian students


The  Faculty of Management and Economics has followed with great horror the events unfolding in the wake of the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine and condemns this act of war, asserts firmly democratic Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence. Our thoughts are with all Ukrainians, also those fleeing their homes to get themselves to safety. We also admire those Russian citizens who take a courageous stand against the war, often at great personal risk. We are very much concerned about the safety and wellbeing of colleagues in Ukrainian universities, and all displaced students and scholars. In order to pursuit higher education, we want to make our best and offer you a safe place to study and work academically.

If you are a scholar or a student wishing to start studying with us, please contact Agata Stopinska, M.A. at

Here you will find our solidarity statement  with Ukraine.

As a Ukrainian citizen, are you looking for protection from the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine? Do you want to start studying with us or continue your studies that you began in Ukraine? Are you interested in studying business management, economics or business information systems? Then you are right here. We want to provide you with some important information on how we can support you.

  • You can immediately enrol as an international exchange student of our faculty.
  • You will have access to the following courses
  • Intensive German courses
  • Our courses in English
  • Our courses in German
  • In principle, all courses of the Bachelor's and Master's degrees are open to you. We will advise you individually in order to create a suitable curriculum for you.
  • No tuition fees are charged.
  • The university is currently working on making accommodation in students’ halls of residence available to you. More information will follow here as soon as it is available.
  • We are currently trying to find scholarships that can cover your living costs in Würzburg. More information will be available here soon.

If you are interested or have further questions, please contact both our International Office: and Agata Stopinska :

If you are interested in other subjects at our university, please contact the International Office at oder

Here you can find information from the Press and Public Relations Office about  JMU's activities to support students and scientists from Ukraine.

Інформація для майбутніх студентів з України

Ви, як громадянин України, шукаєте захисту від війни, яку Росія принесла вашій країні? Бажаєте почати вчитися чи продовжити навчання, яке розпочали в Україні? Вас цікавить навчальний контент з ділового адміністрування, економіки чи бізнес-інформатики? Тоді ви знайдете тут інформацію про те, як ми можемо допомогти вам. Ви можете вступити на наш факультет як студент за міжнародним обміном.

Ви маєте доступ до наступних курсів:

Немає плати за навчання. Зараз ми працюємо над тим, щоб вам були доступні гуртожитки. Більше інформації буде тут, як тільки вона стане доступною. Зараз ми намагаємося знайти гранти, які допоможуть покрити ваші витрати на проживання у Вюрцбурзі. Незабаром ви знайдете додаткову інформацію тут.

Якщо ви зацікавлені або маєте додаткові питання, будь ласка, зв’яжітьсяз Міжнародним офісом за адресою   и з нашого деканату:

Якщо вас цікавлять інші предмети в нашому університеті, будь ласка, зв’яжіться з Міжнародним офісом за адресою  або


Agata Stopinska

Coordinator Incoming Students
Faculty of Management and Economics
Sanderring 2
97070 Würzburg
Building: Neue Universität
Room: 290

Consultation hours: Mon and Thur 9-11 a.m. and upon consultation

[Translate to Englisch:]

International Office

Campus Hubland Nord
Gebäude der Zentralverwaltung
Josef-Martin-Weg 54/2, 97074 Würzburg