Research Statement
Research activities at the chair of Public Finance mostly apply numerical simulation models in order to quantify the macroeconomic consequences as well as the welfare effects of tax and social security reforms. Depending on the considered reform the numerical approaches may be either partial equilibrium life-cycle models or general equilibrium overlapping generations (OLG) models. Most recent models include different forms of aggregate or/and idiosyncratic uncertainty. Numerical simulations are used to disaggregate the efficiency and distributional effects of policy reforms for specific households and generations. In addition, they may also compute the aggregate efficiency gain or loss for the whole economy. Most recent projects consider the life-cycle analysis of housing tenure decisions, occupational choice and health investments.
Phd Positions
The chair is always looking for qualified PhD candidates. Since my research activities are all based on simulation models, I require that candidates not only have very good grades in theoretical and empirical economics courses but also have some experience in computing. This means that they should have passed the course “Computational economics” in the Master program and written a thesis which is based on a simulation model. Given this experience both sides can better evaluate whether the respective research agendas and interests fit together. In case someone is not interested in computation and simulation but would like to apply for a PhD position or program in economics, I am happy to provide information and give advice where and how to apply.
Recent Publications
H. Fehr, M. Hofmann and G. Kudrna (2024): Pensions, Income Taxes and Homeownership: A Cross-Country Analysis, International Economic Review, forthcoming
- H. Fehr and A. Fröhlich (2024): Optimal Retirement with Disability Pensions, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, forthcoming
- H. Fehr and M. Feldman (2024): Financing Universal Health Care: Premiums or Payroll Taxes? European Economic Review 166, 104755
- H. Fehr and F. Kindermann (2022): The Insurance Role of the Family, in: K.F. Zimmermann (eds.), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer, Berlin.
- H. Fehr and M. Hofmann (2020): Tenure Choice, Portfolio Structure and Long-term Care - Optimal Risk Management in Retirement, The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 17, 100240
- H. Fehr, M. Hofmann and F. Kindermann (2020): Indroduction to Computational Economics using FORTRAN, Exercise and Solution Manual, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
H. Fehr and F. Kindermann (2018): Indroduction to Computational Economics using FORTRAN, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- H. Fehr, M. Kallweit, F. Kindermann (2017): Families and social security, European Economic Review, 91, 30-56.
- H. Fehr (2016): CGE modeling of Social security reforms, Journal of Policy Modeling 38(3), 475-494.
- H. Fehr, M. Kallweit and F. Kindermann (2016): Household Formation, Female Labor Supply and Savings, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 118(4), 868-911.
- H. Fehr, M. Kallweit and F. Kindermann (2015): Reforming Family Taxation in Germany – Labor Supply vs. Insurance Effects, FinanzArchiv 71(1), 53-81.
- H. Fehr and F. Kindermann (2015): Taxing capital along the transition - Not a bad idea after all?, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 51, 64-77.