Deutsch Intern
  • Gebäude der Universität Würzburg am Sanderring.
  • Fahne der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Faculty of Management and Economics

Quality Management

A central concern of the Faculty of Management and Economics is to ensure and promote quality in teaching and learning. This is determined by both individual and subject-cultural demands and circumstances, multidimensional factors such as student and lecturer competencies, organisational framework conditions and, last but not least, constant change. For this reason, there is a need for continuous dialogue with all stakeholders about quality. The University of Würzburg has set up a quality management system that provides space and a framework for this, ensures participation and continuity, is organised in cycles and thus enables binding measures to be derived.

Further information on quality management at JMU Würzburg can be found on the website of Unit A.3 for Quality Management, Organisational Development and Campus Management.


Prof. Dr. Frédéric Thiesse

Chair of Business Information Systems Engineering
Sanderring 2
97070 Würzburg
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