Deutsch Intern
Chair of Business Management and Business Taxation

Study Structure Master



Scope / Type


Tax Planning

1. L+E à 5ECTS WS

Case Studies on Business Taxation

1. - 2. L à 5 ECTS WS

Tax Accounting

2. L+E à 5 ECTS SS

Choice of Legal Form and Change

3. L+E à 5 ECTS WS

Tax Experts Report! (Selected Topics in Business Taxation)

1. - 3. L à 5 ECTS WS
Advanced Seminar: Selected Problems in Analytical Tax Research* 3. 10 ECTS


*It is recommended to attend the module "Tax Planning" before the seminar.

WS = Winter Semester
SS = Summer Semester
L = Lecture
E = Exercise
ECTS = European Credit Transfer System