Deutsch Intern
Chair of Financial Accounting


Prof. Dr. Benedikt Franke

Lehrstuhl für BWL und Externe Unternehmensrechnung
Building: Neue Universität
Room: 312


Professor Benedikt Franke holds the chair for Financial Accounting at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. Before joining the University of Würzburg, Professor Franke was at the SKEMA Business School in Paris, France. He earned his doctorate at the Graduate School for Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim. Besides his work as a research assistant and later as a postdoc in Mannheim, he was a visiting scholar at Simon Fraser University (Canada) and the University of Graz (Austria). His research includes the area of corporate transparency and the impact of technical innovations on the provision and use of corporate information. His work is regularly presented at international scientific conferences and published in leading international journals. He is also a Research Fellow at the TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency, an interregional collaborative research center funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).


  • Unternehmenstransparenz
  • Blockchain
  • Fremdkapital
