BME Scientific Conference "Supply Management"
3rd BME Scientific Conference
Supply Management
Wuerzburg, March 9/10, 2010
Fostering interaction and communication in the scientific community of purchasing, materials management, logistics and supply management as well as initiating and developing alliances of community members to practitioners and companies.
Presentation and discussion of the latest developments and issues in scientific and applied research.
BME Scientific Award and BME Collegiate Award will be awarded in the course of the dinner. (Further information:
Organized by
BME - Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik
(German Association Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics - AMMPL)
Recruiting Event
Offers a unique platform for students and young professionals to meet HR managers of well-known companies in order to get valuable information about career opportunities in these firms and to get into contact for internships, thesises, etc.
Further information and registration: