List of Topics
The list of recommended topics can be reviewed here.
Application procedure
In order to write a thesis at the chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods the students need to apply for a topic via the official portal. The specific application procedure and the links for the application pages can be found here.
In general, you need to submit (via the portal) the following documents for a successful application.
- Your complete name and matriculation number
- A transcript of grades of prior exam achievement
- Topic and short reasoning, if a proposal from the institue is chosen or
- One-page report of own topic proposal
The Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods advises students in their Bachelor and Master theses upon prior agreement. We offer the following opportunities for selecting a topic:
Before you apply for a thesis it is necessary for you to decide whether you want to select a proposal from the institute or prepare your own proposal.
If you decide on selecting an institute proposal, you can choose from one of the recommended topics. These can be reviewed here. Please inform us of your preferred topic and explain (max. 10 lines), why you are interested in the topic.
If you would like to make your own topic suggestion, we kindly request that you write a one-page exposé addressing the issue and how you propose to solve it. We also support work performed in collaboration with companies if sufficient academic foundation exists.
The commencement of the thesis project is jointly decided upon.
After having been accepted, it is your obligation to contact your thesis supervisor at our chair. Note, that acceptance as a thesis candidate does not imply that we have also accepted your proposal topic. We cannot guarantee that an accepted candidate works on his or her preferred topic; we will carefully review and discuss proposals with students (especially in the cases where students furnished their own proposal) and will try to accommodate a student’s preference. The topic will be jointly decided upon with your thesis supervisor. All accepted candidates have to take part in our scientific writing seminar.
Theses may be written in English or German language depending on students preferences. We do not require a hardcopy of your thesis, but you have to adhere to the regulations of the examination office.
Please note that students have to attend the "Scientific Writing Seminar-Bachelor" or the "Scientific Writing Seminar-Master" prior to submitting their thesis.
First steps towards your thesis
After having been accepted, please proceed as follows:
In case you did not indicate a thesis topic in your application: First, please either select your preferred topic from our document or develop a proposal for your own topic. If you would like to make your own topic suggestion, we kindly request that you write a one-page exposé addressing the issue and how you propose to solve it. After you finished this step, please send an e-mail to, who will first review your suggestion and will then refer you to a supervisor.
After that, the next steps you have to take are the following:
- In case you chose one of the recommended topics: Please carefully look at our document in which we described the topic and contents of the thesis. Carry out some research on your own and develop an "Exposè" in which you summarize your findings, your research questions and your plan on how you plan to address these question. Please also include a rough structure of the thesis you plan to write. Send these two documents to your advisor (indicated in the thesis topic document). You will receive feedback in due time.
- In case you proposed a topic of your own: Write a concise description of your intended project, summarize the major questions that you wish to answer and provide a rough structure of your thesis. Send these documents to your advisor and include a description of any data privacy issues that you foresee. Please talk to representatives of the company you wish to work with to clarify any data privacy issues.
We will not have any meetings before you have completed the above step.
Please also note these additional points that are very important:
- You are free to decide when to start the thesis. Whenever you want to register your thesis please send the corresponding document (available from the examinations office - "Prüfungsamt") to our secretary ( - not to your advisor! Please fill in ALL information (including the title - which you may want to discuss with us in advance if it is not clear - and the date at which you want to start writing your thesis "Zuteilungsdatum"). We assume that you can complete this task without our involvement.
- Scheduling Meetings: We will only schedule appointments (in person or online) if you furnish a document that describes the current state of your work and the questions that you want to discuss. We want to ensure productive meetings and we will prepare in advance based on the information that you furnish. We will not have personal meetings if you fail to provide us with this information.
- Attendance at our "Scientific Writing" seminar is required (if you haven't done so already). We usually schedule one seminar at the beginning and one at the end of each semester. The next date will be announced on our website once available. Registration takes place via email to our secretary. We will not sign your thesis registration form if you do not attend. The seminar takes place via Zoom. To register, send an e-mail with your first and last name, your matriculation number and the seminar name "Seminar: Scientific Writing" to our office (
- We do not require a hardcopy of your thesis, but you have to adhere to the regulations of the examination office.
Please use the template for theses and seminar papers provided on Overleaf.