Deutsch Intern
Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods

Publications and Working Paper

2024[ to top ]
  • Maichle, Magnus Josef, Sohom Mukherjee, Kai Günder, Ivane Antonov, Nikolai Stein, und Richard Pibernik. In-Context Quantile Regression for Multi-Product Inventory Management Using Time-Series Transformers. In NeurIPS Workshop on Time Series in the Age of Large Models.
  • Maichle, Magnus Josef, Nikolai Stein, und Richard Pibernik. What Can We Learn from LLMs? Building a Foundation Model for Inventory Management. Available at SSRN 4950340, Mai 2024.
  • Notz, Pascal M, und Richard Pibernik. Explainable Subgradient Tree Boosting for Prescriptive Analytics in Operations Management. European Journal of Operational Research 312, Nr. 3 (März 2024): 1119-33.
  • Maichle, Magnus Josef, Nikolai Stein, Richard Pibernik, und Carlo D’Eramo. A General-Purpose Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Inventory Control. Available at SSRN 4754937, März 2024.
  • Schmidt, Felix G, und Richard Pibernik. Data-Driven Inventory Control for Large Product Portfolios: A Practical Application of Prescriptive Analytics. European Journal of Operational Research, Oktober 2024.
2023[ to top ]
  • Notz, Pascal M., Peter K. Wolf, und Richard Pibernik. Prescriptive Analytics for a Multi-Shift Staffing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 305, Nr. 2 (März 2023): 887-901.
  • Rottmann, Janine, Kai Günder, und Richard Pibernik. A Case-Individual Data-Driven Optimization Approach for Surgery Planning. Under Review at OR Spectrum, 2023.
2022[ to top ]
  • Notz, Pascal M., und Richard Pibernik. Prescriptive Analytics for Flexible Capacity Management. Management Science 68, Nr. 3 (März 2022): 1756-75.
2021[ to top ]
  • Philippi, Andreas, Simone Buttler, und Nikolai Stein. Ddop: A Python Package for Data-Driven Operations Management. Journal of Open Source Software 6, Nr. 66 (2021): 3429.
2020[ to top ]
  • Fleischmann, Moritz, Konstantin Kloos, Maryam Nouri-Roozbahani, und Richard Pibernik. Single-Period Stochastic Demand Fulfillment in Customer Hierarchies. European Journal of Operational Research 286, Nr. 1 (Oktober 2020): 250-66.
  • Kloos, Konstantin, und Richard Pibernik. Allocation Planning under Service-Level Contracts. European Journal of Operational Research 280, Nr. 1 (2020): 203-18.
2019[ to top ]
  • Kloos, Konstantin, Richard Pibernik, und Benedikt Schulte. Allocation Planning in Sales Hierarchies With Stochastic Demand and Service-Level Targets. OR Spectrum 41, Nr. 4 (1. Dezember 2019): 981-1024.
  • Meller, Jan, und Fabian Taigel. Machine Learning for Inventory Management: Analyzing Two Concepts to Get From Data to Decisions. Available at SSRN 3256643, November 2019.
  • Lauton, Felix. A Data-Driven Inventory Policy for Multi-Period, Multi-Product Inventory Planning Problems.
2018[ to top ]
  • Lauton, Felix, Alexander Rothkopf, und Richard Pibernik. The Value of Entrant Manufacturers: A Study of Competition and Risk for Donor-Funded Procurement of Essential Medicines. European Journal of Operational Research 272, Nr. 1 (2018): 292-312.
  • Taigel, Fabian, Jan Meller, und Alexander Rothkopf. Data-Driven Capacity Management With Machine Learning: A Novel Approach and a Case-Study for a Public Service Office. In Proceedings of the 2018 INFORMS International Conference on Service Science, 105-15. Springer, 2018.
  • Taigel, F, A K Tueno, und R Pibernik. Privacy-Preserving Condition-Based Forecasting Using Machine Learning. Journal of Business Economics 88, Nr. 5 (Juli 2018): 563-92.
  • Goebel, Philipp, Carsten Reuter, Richard Pibernik, Christina Sichtmann, und Lydia Bals. Purchasing managers’ Willingness to Pay for Attributes That Constitute Sustainability. Journal of Operations Management 62 (2018): 44-58.
  • Stein, Nikolai, Jan Meller, und Christoph M. Flath. Big Data on the Shop-Floor: Sensor-Based Decision-Support for Manual Processes. Journal of Business Economics 88, Nr. 5 (1. Juli 2018): 593-616.
2017[ to top ]
  • Schulte, B, und R Pibernik. Profitability of Service-Level-Based Price Differentiation With Inventory Rationing.. Production and Operations Management 26, Nr. 5 (2017): 903-23.
2016[ to top ]
  • Ecken, P, und R Pibernik. Hit-Or-Miss: What Leads Experts to Take Advice for Long Term Judgments. Management Science 62, Nr. 7 (2016): 2002-21.
  • Rothkopf, A, und R Pibernik. Maverick Buying: Eliminate, Participate, Leverage. International Journal of Production Economics 179 (2016): 77-89.
  • Kurz, Julian. Capacity Planning for a Maintenance Service Provider With Advanced Information. European Journal of Operational Research 251, Nr. 2 (2016).
  • Schulte, B, und R Pibernik. Service Differentiation in a Single-Period Inventory Model With Numerous Customer Classes. OR Spectrum 38, Nr. 4 (2016): 921-48.
  • Kurz, J, und R Pibernik. Flexible Capacity Management With Future Information. Available at ResearchGate.
2012[ to top ]
  • Goebel, P, R Pibernik, C Sichtmann, und C Reuter. The Influence of Ethical Culture on Supplier Selection in the Context of Sustainable Sourcing. International Journal of Production Economics 140, Nr. 1 (2012): 7-17. /brokenurl#
  • Goebel, P, S Möller, und R Pibernik. Paying for Convenience: Attractiveness and Market Potential of Time-Based Delivery Services. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 42, Nr. 6 (2012): 584-606.
  • Rexhausen, D, R Pibernik, und G Kaiser. Customer-Facing Supply Chain Practices – the Impact of Demand and Distribution Management on Supply Chain Success. Journal of Operations Management 30, Nr. 4 (2012): 269-81.
  • Samii, A B, R Pibernik, P Yadav, und A Vereecke. Reservation and Allocation Policies for Influenza Vaccines. European Journal of Operations Research 222, Nr. 3 (2012): 495-507.
2011[ to top ]
  • Kraiselburd, S, R Pibernik, und A Raman. The manufacturer’s Incentive to Reduce Lead Times. Production and Operations Management 20, Nr. 5 (2011): 639-53.
  • Pibernik, R, Y Zhang, F Kerschbaum, und A Schröpfer. Secure Collaborative Supply Chain Planning and Inverse Optimization - The JELS Model. European Journal of Operational Research 208, Nr. 1 (2011): 75-85.
  • Zilli, A, R Pibernik, O Catrina, S De_hoogh, B Schoenmakers, S Cimato, und E Damiani. Secure Collaborative Supply-Chain Management. Computer 44, Nr. 9 (2011): 38-43.
  • Ecken, P, T Gnatzy, und H von_der_Gracht. Desirability Bias in Foresight: Consequences for Decision Quality Based on Delphi Results. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 78, Nr. 9 (2011): 1654-70.
  • Samii, A-B, R Pibernik, und P Yadav. An Inventory Reservation Problem With Nesting and Fill Rate Based Performance Measures. International Journal of Production Economics 133, Nr. 1 (2011): 393-402.
2009[ to top ]
  • Pibernik, R, und P Yadav. Dynamic Capacity Reservation and Due Date Quoting in a Make-to-Order System. Naval Research Logistics 55, Nr. 7 (2009): 593-611.
  • Schröpfer, A, F Kerschbaum, C Schütz, und R Pibernik. Optimizations for Risk-Aware Secure Supply Chain Master Planning. Journal of Universal Computer Science 15, Nr. 15 (2009): 3019-37.
  • Pibernik, R, und P Yadav. Inventory Reservation and Real-Time Order Promising in a Make-to-Stock System. OR Spectrum 31, Nr. 1 (2009): 281-307.
  • Groetsch, V, M Henke, und R Pibernik. The Impact of Performance Measurement on the Recognition of Purchasing and Supply management’s Value Contribution: A Principal-Agent Based Case Study Analysis. International Journal of Production Economics - Submitted, 2009.
2008[ to top ]
  • Pibernik, R, und E Sucky. Verhandlungsbasiertes Master Planning in Supply Chains. DBW Die Betriebswirtschaft 68, Nr. 1 (2008): 85-111.
2007[ to top ]
  • Pibernik, R, und E Sucky. An Approach to Inter Domain Master Planning in Supply Chains. International Journal of Production Economics 108, Nr. 1 (2007): 200-212.
  • Goentzel, J, L T Manzione, R Pibernik, J Pruett, und B Thiessen. Strategic Deployment of Specialized Testing and Remanufacturing in a Global High-Tech Supply Chain. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 11, Nr. 1 (2007): 28-52.
2006[ to top ]
  • Jacquemin, M, R Pibernik, und E Sucky. Quantitative Methoden in Logistik Und Supply Chain Management. Hamburg, 2006.
  • Isermann, H, R Pibernik, und E Sucky. Leistungsprogrammplanung in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken – Fundierung, Implikationen, Grenzen. In Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke, 305-24. Berlin, 2006.
  • Pibernik, R, und E Sucky. Centralised and Decentralised Supply Chain Planning. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 2, Nr. 1 (2006): 6-27.
  • Pibernik, R. Managing Stock-Outs Effectively With Order Fulfillment Systems. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 17, Nr. 6 (2006): 721-36.
2005[ to top ]
  • Pibernik, R. Managing Stock-Outs Effectively With Order Fulfillment Systems. In Proceedings of SCMIS 2005 – 3rd International Workshop on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems.
  • Pibernik, R. Advanced Available-to-Promise: Classification, Selected Methods and Requirements for Operations and Inventory Management. International Journal of Production Economics 93, Nr. 94 (2005): 239-52.
  • Pibernik, R, und E Sucky. Master Planning in Supply Chains. In Entscheidungsunterstützende Systeme in SCM Und Logistik. Heidelberg, 2005.
  • Goentzel, J, L T Manzione, R Pibernik, J Pruett, und B Thiessen. Strategic Deployment of Specialized Testing and Remanufacturing in a Global Network of Contract Manufacturers. In Proceedings of EurOMA, International Conference on Global Operations and Competitiveness. Budapest, 2005.
2004[ to top ]
  • Pibernik, R. Dynamische Supply Chain Configuration Mit Advanced Planning Systemen. In Quantitative Methoden in ERP Und APS. Paderborn.
  • von_Mevius, M, und R Pibernik. Process Management in Supply Chains – A New Petri-Net Approach. In Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 37), Bd. 37.
  • Pibernik, R, und E Sucky. Zentrales Und Dezentrales Supply Chain Planning. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 1 (2004): 25-31.
  • Pibernik, R, und E Sucky. Fallstudie: Zentrales Und Dezentrales Supply Chain Planning Am Beispiel Einer Supply Chain Der Pharma-Industrie. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 1 (2004): 59-64.
2003[ to top ]
  • Pibernik, R. A Multi-Product Batch-Available-to-Promise Model for Make-to-Stock Manufacturing. In Operations Research Proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2003.
  • Pibernik, R. Einsatz Dynamischer Planungsmodelle Zur Unterstützung Des Strategischen Supply Chain Management. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 1 (2003): 20-26.
  • Pibernik, R. Fallstudie: Supply Chain Configuration Am Beispiel Eines Biotechnologie-Unternehmens. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 1 (2003): 54-60.
  • Pibernik, R. Modellgestützte Flexibilitätsplanung in Supply Chains: Einsatz Einer Software-Applikation in Einem Biotechnologie-Unternehmen. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 73, Nr. 11 (2003): 1141-65.
2002[ to top ]
  • Pibernik, R. Ausgewählte Methoden Und Verfahren Zur Unterstützung Des Advanced Available to Promise. Zeitschrift für Planung 13 (2002): 345-72.
  • Pibernik, R. Advanced Available to Promise: Herausforderungen für Das Produktions- Und Logistikmanagement. In Wissenschaftssymposium Logistik. Magdeburg, 2002.
2001[ to top ]
  • Pibernik, R. Flexibilitätsplanung in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 71, Nr. 8 (2001): 893-913.
  • Pibernik, R. Flexibilitätsplanung in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2001.
1999[ to top ]
  • Pibernik, R. Fundamentals of Flexibility Planning in Supply Chain Networks. In European Logistics Association. Brussels, 1999.
1996[ to top ]
  • Kaupp, M, M Pauly, und R Pibernik. Simulationsgestützte Besatzungseinsatzplanung Einer Luftverkehrsgesellschaft. In Simulation Im Luftverkehr, herausgegeben von M. Kaupp, 111-211. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 1996.