Deutsch Intern
Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods


A lot of companies in Germany are having difficulties filling vacancies. On the other hand, many people who have fled war and violence at home want to stay and work here. The University of Würzburg has launched a project to connect refugees and companies more quickly.


Hit or Miss: What Leads Experts to Take Advice for Long Term Judgments? is the title of a new publication by Philipp Ecken and Richard Pibernik that was accepted for publication by "Management Science" and recently published in the journal's "Article in Advance" Section.


Billigkleidung wird gebilligt - Warum haben Unternehmen, die dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit scheinbar wenig Beachtung schenken, trotzdem Erfolg? Das hat eine Würzburger Studentin am Beispiel von Billigkleidung untersucht. Sie blickt dabei auch kritisch auf Organisationen, die sich für Nachhaltigkeit einsetzen.




The Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods and the DAW SE group, a leading vendor of coating systems in Europe, have launched a joint research project. Its goal is to optimise the group's strategic production and logistics activities.


During the last two years Prof. Eirini Spiliotopoulou from VU Amsterdam and Dr. Alexander Rothkopf from Würzburg University conducted collaborative research on volume guarantees in donor funded global health markets. This collaboration will now be intensified: The Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods received a grant from Würzburg University dedicated to inviting international scholars to host Prof. Spiliotopoulou as a guest researcher in Würzburg.


The Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods has established a collaboration with Prof. Prashant Yadav and his team at the William Davidson Institute/University of Michigan in multiple projects on global health.


In his doctoral thesis Alexander Rothkopf studied the beneficial and adverse consequences of procurement volume consolidation initiatives. He now received the Dissertation Award from the German Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics (BME) for his work. Rothkopf is postdoctoral fellow at the Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods in Business Administration at the University of Wuerzburg.
